Structure:RCC Framed Structure.
Walls:9" Exterior Walls, 4" Red or Cement Brick Internal Walls.
Doors:Teakwood Frame 5"/4" (MT) with Flush Shutters. Other Doors Teakwood Frame 4"/3" (MT) with Flush Shutters.
Windows:UPVC or Aluminium with Safety Grills.
Flooring:Vitrified Tiles.
Kitchen:Granite Platform with Stainless Steel Sink; Galzed Tile dado upto 2'-0" above Platform.
ToiletsCeramic Tiles Flooring; dado upto Lintel Level. ISI Mark Sanitary Ware and CP Fittings. Provision for Geysers and Exhaust Fans.
CommonArea:Coridor Marble, Granite for Steps. Granite Cladding for Lift Walls. M/S Railing for Staircase.
Generator BackUp:For Lift, Common Areas, Intercom Facilities and One Light & Fan Point in each Flat.
Telephone/ T.V:Telephone and Television Points in Living and Master Bedroom. A/c Points in all Bedrooms.
Lift:8 Passengers Automatic Lifts 2 nos. in each Block.
Electrical:Concealed Copper Wire of ISI Standard in PVC Conduits. 3-Phase Supply with MCB's in each Flat.
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